A New Year, a New Beginning

Can you believe it’s almost 2022?

Wow, another year has almost gone by, and we just cannot conceptualize how fast time really flies. Looking back on this past year, we can honestly say it was another year of growth and achievement. Although some days more difficult than others, just being able to get through those difficult moments in life has brought us the most hope and joy to move forward.

To be more specific, online school isn’t easy for any student. For some us, it seems as if our time management has gone out the window, and the abundant amount of work seems to feel more overwhelming than ever before. Yet, we have realized that encountering these moments has granted us the opportunity to seek out how to maintain a balanced lifestyle which has ultimately lead to many positive, mental health benefits in our future.

So, now that we have reached that time of year again, we can finally reflect on the many ups and downs this year has brought us. However, this is also a time when we all start to outline our new goals for this upcoming new year. It is common that the goals we set out for ourselves don’t always go to plan and sometimes they don’t even make it past the first month mark of the new year. Maybe our goals are too vague? Too difficult? Maybe they are not that important to us?

Throughout this post, we’d hope to share some of our own tips and tricks about creating effective new year resolutions and goals guiding you to enter 2022 feeling stress-free and optimistic.

Want to focus on improving yourself this year?

1. Understand what aspects of your life require improving.

  • This all begins with recognizing how you are feeling and what seems to be missing from your self-care routine.

Best advice: Track your emotions and write down all your daily activities you make time for during the day. This will provide better insight about why you may be feeling a certain way, which may be related to how your day is broken up and how many breaks you take.

2. Take Action

  • For some of us, knowing how to improve ourselves takes time and some commitment.

Best advice: Start in small steps.

  • For example, if you want to become more physically active, a great way to start would be implementing 30 minutes of exercise a few times a week, then gradually progress exercise duration and frequency of your workouts.

3. Don’t be afraid of putting your mental/physical health first

  • Amid a busy, stressful lifestyle is easy to neglect our feelings and emotions, especially when we feel like we are having a bad day.

  • Taking the time to address our mental health needs, may be the trick to boosting our mood and a way to help keep us moving.

Best advice: Even the slightest 10-20 minute meditation session, walk, break can help to bring on a new and improved peaceful mind.

Our personal “Twin Tip”:

  • Reading an inspiring quote every day is a helpful and engaging way to motivate you at the start of your day.

Want to ensure you can accomplish your goals?

1. Put the fear aside and be more open to taking risks

  • Often times when we have this big idea or opportunity we want to take, it is easy to feel alone and isolated from the world around us.

  • On one hand, we have this drive to want to do this one thing but at the same time we are afraid of not being good enough to obtain this goal.

Best advice: Don’t worry, stay focused on what calls your heart.

2. Don’t be afraid of failure, even if your first attempt is not successful

  • This is something we all encounter throughout our lives. When we don’t meet our successful goals right away, we often become discouraged and become so hard on ourselves to the point at which we give up on our goals altogether.

Best advice: Failure is a learning experience not a setback. Being able to not become influenced by any failures and continuing to strive for your goal is far more valuable and important. Just know, that someday your goal will be achieved!

3. Reach out for help from a friend or family member when you approach an obstacle

  • Sometimes we believe it would be much easier to be more independent and not ask for help when we need it. But, in some cases, when we don’t ask for help our goals don’t progress any further.

Best advice: Having a second opinion or advice from someone you trust is helpful and useful. In most cases, you will learn more from them than you ever anticipated. Asking for help may even open a more doors of opportunities.

Altogether, we hope you found our tips helpful and applicable to your own life in your own personalized way. If you have any goals for 2022, we wish you the very best in trying to make your intensions become a true reality.

The biggest takeaway we’d hope you learned through this post is, the year 2022, is a new beginning for all of us. It’s a fresh start, and a fantastic way start something new. Just enjoy the journey along the way. Although there will be difficulties and hardships, just keep in mind that you can do anything!

Happy New Year Everyone!

When you are compassionate with yourself, you trust in your soul, which you let guide your life.
— John O'Donohue

Some of our favourite memories from 2021:


Knitting Our Way Through the Holidays


The Path Towards Wellness