Knitting Our Way Through the Holidays

Have you ever felt bored over the holidays?

We can all agree that at some point during the holidays, we can get a little tired of doing the same activities and feel this need to try something new and exciting. Don’t get us wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a restful, relaxing break from typical everyday life, but, we are always looking to keep ourselves busy and there is no better time to try something new.

Our project all started when we were curiously looking for new fun and creative projects and had no idea what this “next interesting mini project” might be. It wasn’t until we saw a video on Instagram of a “DIY scarf with knitting looms” which was when we were instantly captivated and intrigued to begin this challenge.  

What is Loom Knitting?

For some of you who are art and craft lovers like us, you may know what loom knitting all are about! Basically, a knitting loom is a crafting tool that assists in helping users knit clothing items such as hats, scarves, mittens, blankets and even sweaters. They are available in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and it looks like a frame with a set of pegs all around it. Compared to traditional knitting, this method is easier to handle. Simply wrap your yarn around the pegs and use a loom hook to help create your knitting masterpiece!

Honestly, we could not believe how fast it took to learn how to use the loom and get the hang of using the loom hook. If you are interested in learning, there are so many YouTube videos that can help you get started! All you need is a knitting loom set and some yarn and you are all set to go!

Our Experience

Hands down, this was the most stress relieving activity we have ever done during the holidays. Nothing gets better than having a peaceful break, by the Christmas tree, learning how to knit. The “long loom kit” was the loom kit we got from Michaels Craft Store, we were able to create a scarf. With the appropriate, extra thick yarn we were all set to accomplish this project.

To be completely honest, this project was not a one day done deal. Although this project took time, this was the major reason why we pursued this type of craft activity. Not only does these types of project challenge you to learn beyond typical life but allows you to be open to making time for these projects. The trick to enjoy knitting is to never rush it, but to simply feel good about accomplishing a tangible, useful piece of art from beginning to the very end.

The scarf we created together, took a few days with some breaks in between, and in case you are wondering, we used about 4 bulky yarn balls. :)

As you can also see, we decided to take our project just a step further and decided to make a simple scarf into an infinity scarf, perfect for the cold winter to come! Looking back on this experience, we are so happy we took the time out of our Christmas break to knit. This time of year only happens once a year, and may be the only time of year when we actually get to spend time doing things that we don’t typically do on a daily basis.

Want to start and accomplish a new project?

Even though the holidays, maybe over for some of us, there is always time to plan and seek out new ways to elevate or make your time of school or work a little more exciting. Just take a few minutes and reflect on if there has ever been a time in the past, when you wanted to accomplish something, but didn’t or wasn’t able to fully complete it. If you have thought of something that you’ve always wished to do, make it a priority the next time you have time off. Even if you don’t know what you want to do, this is totally okay! If you inherit a motivated mindset to start something new and life fulfilling, there is so much inspiration on Instagram, as well as, Pinterest, and even at the Michaels Craft store!

Altogether, we hope you found this post encouraging and uplifting, maybe you will pick up some yarn and a loom kit and try it for yourself! Even if you are not a big fan of knitting, we still encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself to do something that you never done before. By broadening perspectives towards the endless possibilities of life, we uncover new interests and pastimes that we never knew could be possible. Even better, we surprise ourselves along the way.

Oh and one final note, if you are thinking of any great Christmas gifts for family and friends next year, making a homemade scarf, hat, sweater or mittens, is the perfect idea!

When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life
— Jean Shinoda Bolen

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