Life Being A Twin

We have always been asked: “Can you guys read each other’s minds or feel each other’s pain?”

Obviously, this question is absurd, and of course untrue, however being a twin is so much more than having a best friend. There have been times where we feel like we don’t even need to say anything, we just look at one another and automatically understand each other. It’s almost like we have a tube attached to our heads. We’d called it our own “twin tuition”, and this will remain an unknown mystery to our strong relationship.

Some experiences we have had being twins: 

  • Saying the same words/phrases the exact same time.

  • Exaining past experiences identically. 

Growing up and being a twin would probably be no different than any other identical twins. We would wear the same clothes, wear the same shoes, and even have the same hair style. When we were are young, we don’t really care that much, we would actually find it quite amusing. People would always mix up our names and would never get it right no matter how much they new us. As we have gotten older, we still wear the same things on the odd occasion, but we have been able to build our own tastes and styles, which can help differentiate us! 

Being a twin has allowed us to create so many memories, laughing moments and great achievements that would not have happened if we were not as close as we are today. 

I’m sure a lot of twins feel this way, but there will be times when others may not understand the unique bond between a set of identical twins. Being a twin is not weird in any way, it’s like being close to someone you love whether this be a hero, mentor or a close friend. 

Similar to our relationship, we hope you get a chance to spend some time with a person who has positively impacted your life.  Someone who has made the difficult moments, hopeful moments and has always been there to support your needs. Go out and create some new memories with them. Always remember to cherish every moment and live your life to the fullest. 

There is nothing on this earth more prized than a true friendship.
— Thomas Aquinas

A “Berry” Fun Adventure